sábado, 18 de julio de 2015

Mayor of Henley proposes a tribute George Harrison would love

Garden for a Beatle?
Published 16/07/15

THE Mayor of Henley has proposed a memorial garden in the town for George Harrison.

Councillor Lorraine Hillier made the suggestion during a meeting of the recreation and amenities committee on Tuesday last week. “I would like to see a garden for George Harrison rather than a statue,” she said. “This is something I would like to see realised.”

Harrison moved to Friar Park, Henley in the Seventies and a memorial was first mooted in 2001 following his death but the idea of a statue did not appeal to his widow, Olivia. 

In January 2013, Mrs Harrison wrote to the Henley Standard saying: “A more appropriate way of honouring his memory in Henley would be to support a community project.”

• What do you think? Write to: Letters, Henley Standard, Caxton House, 1 Station Road, Henley, RG9 1AD or email letters@henleystandard.co.uk

George Harrison on the grounds of his home, Friar Park, near Henley-on-Thames, England, in 1975.

George Harrison, Henley on Thames, UK 1978
Mike Salisbury

George inside the larger greenhouse of his house, Friar Park, now a rather nice indoor area.

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