Paul McCartney Twitter Q&A Transcript
By Jorie Gracen
Macca Report News
Monday October 20, 2014
Paul McCartney did a live Twitter Question & Answer today around 2pm EDT. For those who missed it, or don't have Twitter, The Macca Report has put together a transcript of the Q & A.

We're now live with Paul. Ask your questions using #askPaul

Mary Gerdt @marygerdt
What have you always wanted to do and didn't have the time?
PAUL: Spend three days in bed!
Rachael Brown @rachael_nicolee
What should I carve my pumpkin as?
PAUL: Dave Grohl!
Cham ~ @cham_ctc
If you were ruler of your own country what would you call it?
PAUL: Maccadonia!
Sarah Stacey @sarahstacey92
How does it feel when you hear people singing your songs?
PAUL: Really beautiful, humbling and exciting at the same time.
Winston @WGedicks
What's your favorite type of pie?
PAUL: Pecan baby!
Selena @selenaadearly
How did you feel about this costume?

PAUL: A trifle cattish!
mack Halley @MackHalley
What was it like playing with great John Bonham?
PAUL: It was fantastic! He was always on my top 5 drummer list and a great friend and ballsy drummer.
Early Take - Beware My Love - Does One Exist? How about a Best of The Rest Album?
PAUL: Yes indeed! And here s the world premiere of it featuring John Bonham on drums.

dealist @idealist
Which activist group do you hold most near and dear to your heart?
PAUL: I do, @pussyrrriot & @peta
Joe Mantegna @JoeMantegna
You have written songs for others that were hits. Ever think about releasing your own versions?
PAUL: I wrote 'Come and Get It' for Badfinger and 'World Without Love' for Peter & Gordon.
christineg @sixtimelosers
Who is one of your favorite film directors?
PAUL: Scorsese, Fellini and Dave Grohl!
Is there anywhere in the world you haven't been but would like to go?
PAUL: Yeah, China! It seems like everyone else has, but I haven't!
maria @mafeespinoza
Why are you so hot?
PAUL: It just comes naturally to me.
amberleymadison @amberleymadison
Will you marry me?
PAUL: I'm afraid I'm spoken for. So the answer is a firm 'No!'
Who was the last person you said 'Hello' to? And who was the last you said 'goodbye' to?
PAUL: Just left my wife Nancy in the street (Goodbye), and Hello is you @yorkshiremouth
Flora Hausammann @FloraHausammann
Is it okay for me to own 8 Beatles t-shirts?
PAUL: It's very good, but not enough!
Laura Boxall @EnglishSummers
Can you speak any other languages?
PAUL: Si, Oui, Ja!
victoria @babyIiebers
What's your favorite horror movie?
PAUL: Alien would be my favourite for the bit of chest-popping!
THANKS PAUL @rockwithbeatles
What do you think of your young fans? I have 12 years and I love your music!
PAUL: I love my young fans! I'm always surprised how many there are. I love the perspective of young people.
Can you yodel?
PAUL: Yes. I studied in Switzerland!
Vanessa @Kittyprryde
Do you have any hobbies like collecting or knitting?
PAUL: Not really, but I do have some nice guitar picks from over the years and some nice books too!
Shawndelle Dixon @ShawndelleD
Are you the walrus?
PAUL: In fact because I happen to wear a walrus head in Magical Mystery Tour - I am the nearest any of use came! GooGoogAJoob!
dreamer @AllonsyHP
What makes you feel better when you're in bad mood?
PAUL: Drugs, Alcohol & Sex (he says with a wink)
Domi Silva @domisilva93
What the World needs now is...?
PAUL: Paul McCartney - vote for me! (He said modestly!) Though I'm not sure what state I'm in!
Phil McNamara @Phil_McNamara
Favourite gig you've BEEN to? (not played in)
PAUL: There are many, but @S_C_ (Mr. Carter) & @kanyewest comes to mind.
Naked dude @declanjayyy
Is there anyone who makes you starstruck?
PAUL: Even though I've known him for a long time the nearest is probably @bobdylan.
Naked dude @declanjayyy
Do you ever twerk?
PAUL: The last time I tweaked I was with @katyperry. She was rather good at it!
TWERKED! (Autocorrect - sorry!)
Rachel Foster Mowgli @Bearluffer
Favorite song you have written for someone else?
PAUL: 'Step Inside Love' which I wrote for the British singer Cilla Black, but Diana Krall has one of mine coming out soon that I love.
Rick Rubin @RickRubin
(question not publicily posted)
PAUL: Yes I do. I don't know quite what, but I believe in a benevolent spirit that is behind everything that we do.
Andrew St. Clair @Andrew_StClair
What makes the studio space at Abbey Road so special?
PAUL: There have been so many great hits made in that room that physically and spiritually it has a greatness built into it.
DiegomiralbÈs @dmiralbes4
Hey Paul, can you reply to this tweet saying something very stupid?
PAUL: My toes are in my mouth!
laura @_pri3to
What's the first record you ever bought?
PAUL: Gene Vincent singing Be Bop A Lula on the Capitol label which was sheer magic.
kornball @jennikorn
Can you give me a nickname?
PAUL: Kornball! You shall forever be known as this!
25 days to arctic @oeizes
Favourite song at the moment????
PAUL: I've been enjoying @foofighters new track 'Something From Nothing' and @Sia 'Chandelier'
THANKS PAUL ILYSM @besidepotte
Would you like to visit the moon?
PAUL: No I don't even like rollercoasters!
Red Owl @ReadyOwl @MusicVaultz
How has being a vegetarian changed you?
PAUL: It's made me healthier, but certainly given me a compassionate perspective on the animals we share the planet with.
Joanna Scatasti @ohJOyouudidnt
Have you ever forgotten the words to a song while you were playing it?
PAUL: Quite regularly. I think that the people in my audience know the songs better than I do. Excuse is I've written rather a lot.
duda @cantadadejones
How old were you when you wrote your first song?????????
PAUL: I was 14 years old in Liverpool. It was called 'I Lost My Little Girl'
Florencia @yourloveaway
Paul, you sing in the shower?
PAUL: Yes I do - 'Singing in the Rain' or 'It's Raining Men' or 'Waterfalls'!
Heal the world @ImagineJWLennon
Something new you learned lately?
PAUL: Patience! (Not sure if it's true but it's an answer!)
Patricia Francis @Oceans1156
Do you like Halloween? What was your favorite candy as a kid?
PAUL: I do like it, it allows me to go unrecognized in my disguise and Mars Bars were my favourite!
Manu @ManuVFM9
What is your favourite colour?
PAUL: Blue comes to mind.
Andrew Davis @andrewdaviis
Are you excited for the rerelease of Venus and Mars & Wings At The Speed Of Sound?
PAUL: Yeah! I think that my team has put together brilliant packages that even I find amazingly interesting.
Daniele Paula @petitnany
What do you most like about doing live concerts in Brazil?
PAUL: The crazy enthusiasm and youth of the audiences. They're brilliant!
Michelle Gregory @shellybegood
Do you have a favourite flower Paul? Mine are lilies.
PAUL: probably roses!
Four Headed Monster @LoveTheFabFour
Paul, can you tell us what is going on in these pictures please?

PAUL: 1st John & I are in Paris when he was 21 & generally goofing around. 2nd Pulling faces in hat shop! 3rd Nipple pointing!
Favourite Meryl Streep movie?
PAUL: I love Meryl Streep. Devil Wears Prada is great, although everything she does is brilliant.
Vickie Valenzuela @vickjagger
What was your best Halloween costume?
PAUL: Alice Cooper! [ @RealAliceCooper ]
Beatlesmaniacs @Beatlesmaniacs4
Which is your favorite kind of sports? xo
PAUL: Football (Soccer), but to watch on TV: American Football, Track, and Basketball.
Ryan Adams @TheRyanAdams
Are you a cyborg?
PAUL: I am in fact an alien!
Clara @clara_carvalhoo
Do you have any tattoos?
PAUL: No I don't. Not even on my ass!
Leticia. @beatlepaulmcca
What was the inspiration for the song of Wings "Call Me Back Again"?
PAUL: I was imagining being a kid and phoning a girlfriend who never answered.
Orbital Nick @orbitalnick
What's your favourite bassline to play? One you really enjoy!
PAUL: At the moment it's...'For the Benefit of Mr Kite'. It's challenging!
alunvaughan @alunvaughan
Have you got a favourite cover of one of your tracks?
PAUL: There are so many that I love it's difficult to say but Esther Phillips version of 'And I love HIM' comes to mind.
Collin Searls @goldengat
Will you be playing Hope (the Destiny theme) live in concert?
PAUL: HOPEfully!
Marcos f. @marcosfelixm
There's another song from the 'NEW' album that you would like to put on the setlist?
PAUL: We've been playing with 'Appreciate,' but it's kind of hard to do.
Mary @ClassicRockzzzz
Cats or dogs?
PAUL: Dogs! (Although I love cats too)
Brandon Butler @butlerb92
If you could describe the "Wings Years" in one or two words, what word(s) would you use and why?
PAUL: Difficult, but Brilliant!
Yonosoy Rodrigo @YonosoyRodrig
Who is your favourite classical composer?
PAUL: Probably Bach.
Emily Vidovich @EmilyVidovich
Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
PAUL: I hardly ever see sunrises so it's sunsets for me!
melissa @dollybird1963
Did you come up with the idea for the new album cover?
PAUL: No! It was my design team, Mike & Rebecca who suggested it and then my son-in-law Alasdhair suggested the neon.
andres @TheLegoguy15
How did you come up with the song Blackbird?
PAUL: I was in Scotland & was playing guitar thinking of a Bach piece that we used to play & also the civil rights situation.
Nick Tregoning @triglarrrrrrr
What's your favourite cheese?
PAUL: I like a lot of them. How about cheddar, goats, feta and de Boursin.
Jennifer @JenniferMcBowie
Do you have a favorite TV show?
PAUL: I love 'Veep' and 'Family Feud' ("We asked a hundred people!")
(question not publicily posted)
PAUL: Summer holiday with the family and kids.
elijah Kraling @elijahkraling
What goes through your mind when you walk out on to the stage with a huge crowd?
PAUL: Great excitement at their reaction.
We grabbed a few more answers from Paul before he left which we'll post over the coming days. Thank you for all your questions! [MPL]
Hey! This was fun, gang! Gotta run. Meanwhile I'll leave you with this song:
Feel free to share but, please credit The Macca Report if you do.
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