5,000 Followers on NEW Instagram!

Last September, in addition to Paul’s official Instagram, we launched another account exclusively for Paul’s ‘NEW’ album.
Paul asked fans to Instagram their pictures using the hashtag #whatsnewPaul when they saw the word ‘NEW’. We've also been asking fans to send us photos of them holding their copy of the album along with their favourite songs and which country they're in.
The response has been overwhelming with the New Year seeing the account reach 5,000 followers!
Paul asked fans to Instagram their pictures using the hashtag #whatsnewPaul when they saw the word ‘NEW’. We've also been asking fans to send us photos of them holding their copy of the album along with their favourite songs and which country they're in.
The response has been overwhelming with the New Year seeing the account reach 5,000 followers!
Here at PaulMcCartney.com we have found Paul’s fans to be some of the most creative and enthusiastic Out There! so were excited to find out what kind of photographs you would be posting. We've been really pleased to see you rise to the challenge! We are regramming our favourites which you can check out HERE! - there are now over 1,300 of them!

With so many original images posted every day, it has been very difficult to pick our favourites. One that really stands out is the 1,000th regrammed image which was a collage of fans who live all around the world but have now become friends through Paul’s music and Instagram!
More of our favourites appeared in a 'NEW' video which we posted over the Christmas holidays.
Check out the 'NEW' Instagram page HERE! and remember, if you'd like to see your photo on the page use the hashtag #whatsnewPaul and we'll continue to regram our favourites.


With so many original images posted every day, it has been very difficult to pick our favourites. One that really stands out is the 1,000th regrammed image which was a collage of fans who live all around the world but have now become friends through Paul’s music and Instagram!
More of our favourites appeared in a 'NEW' video which we posted over the Christmas holidays.
Check out the 'NEW' Instagram page HERE! and remember, if you'd like to see your photo on the page use the hashtag #whatsnewPaul and we'll continue to regram our favourites.

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