martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

A Hulu Day's Night
A Hulu Day's Night
[Posted by Adam Forrest on Tuesday, 09/27/11 4:09 pm]
You should already have this on your Beatles DVD shelf, but in case you're stuck on a desert island and all you have access to is a laptop and the internet, the Beatles first movie A Hard Day's Night is now available online for free (with commercial interruptions) from video streaming site Hulu.

Watching it this way on my computer reminds me of those wonderful days so long ago (1993) when A Hard Day's Night was released on CD-ROM for PCs and the Mac. On my PC at the time, playback was somewhat jerky, but the CD ROM had a cool feature, you could follow along with the script as you watched the movie.

The Criterion A Hard Day's Night CD ROM

The Criterion CD ROM (and the Criterion Laser Disc that preceeded it) was also the first opportunity most fans had to see the 1960 short Dick Lester film that sold him as a director to the Beatles. The Running, Jumping & Standing Still Film can be viewed these days online on Youtube.

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