A Visit to Some San Francisco Record Stores – Part 1
by beatlesblogger
August 10, 2013
You may have noticed that beatlesblogger hasn't been updated for a little while. That's because I've been on holiday in San Francisco, USA and of course while there I had to make time to visit some record stores seeking out any Beatles or Beatles-related records and CD's. What I found will be the subject of the next couple of posts here.
First though to the main stores I discovered in San Francisco offering either new and/or second-hand Beatles. There were three main contenders here - and all very worthwhile checking out if you happen to be in town.
The first was Rasputin Music. They have two stores in San Francisco itself, plus shops in nine other locations in the wider Bay area and California. The two I got to were the store just down from Union Square on Powell Street, and the one on Haight Street in the famous Haight-Ashbury district.

Powell Street store is by far the largest of the two, with five floors (that's right, I said five levels) of new and used records, CD's, DVD's and tee shirts to tempt you.

Joining Rasputin on Haight Street is the wonderful Recycled Records. Owner Bruce Lyall has been there for over 25 years - and it shows. For anyone who loves the smell, look and feel of a large second-hand record store this is the place to come. I loved it so much I took these photos:

As you can see, Recycled has a wonderful ambience and can be a bit overwhelming at first such is the extent of their collection. They sell LP's, 45's, compacts discs, posters and assorted paper memorabilia; rare books and a wide assortment of collectibles. If at first you don't see what you want in the bins look below them to the shelves. I found quite a few other great items stored down there. Again, well worth checking out.
Finally the big one: Amoeba Music:

Amoeba have two shops in the Bay area - one in Berkley, and one at 1855 Haight Street (they also have one in Los Angeles too). So, if you are on Haight for a visit to the groovy, picturesque and historic Haight-Ashbury district you can use the time to check out not one but three stores (Rasputin, Recycled, and Amoeba) all within easy walking distance of each other and all harbouring potential Beatle treasure.
When you walk into Amoeba be prepared for an intake of breath. It is HUGE:

So thats the stores I visited covered. Next time some details on what I found......check back again soon.
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