Danish discography
Posted by Roger Stormo
Friday, April 15, 2016

New online Danish Beatles discography
After years of collecting data, not to mention records, the Danes have launched a website with a full discography of the Beatles releases in Denmark. Here you'll find information and illustrations og singles, EPs, LPs and a few CDs, released in Denmark from 1963 onwards. Included are not only records by The Beatles, but also solo-, Apple- and other related records. Also some non-EMI records are listed.
The discography is based on info collected by the long time Danish Beatles expert Arno Guzek. It isn't complete, as they know about more variations, but as they don't have scans, they are not included. Collectors are encouraged to participate in sharing scans of variations not included. So far, nearly 70 new or improved scans have been added to the discography since the site was launched.
In Denmark, UK based singles were all released with the UK catalogue numbers, except "Hey Jude", which was released with catalogue number DP570 from the UK export series. Scandinavian based singles were released on the Odeon label, with prefix 'DK' for Danish based releases,'SD' for Swedish, and 'ND' for Norwegian. Most sleeves for singles were manufactured by Rotex, a small printing facility in Valby, Copenhagen. Other sleeves were imports from Sweden and Germany. The first Beatles-single "Love Me Do" was never released in Denmark. The record company received a demo in the autumn of 1962, but decided against the release. "Please Please Me" became the first Beatles single release in Denmark in early 1963.
The UK EPs were released in Denmark with UK catalogue numbers and Danish produced records. Besides the UK catalogue, EPs were taken from the Swedish GEOS-series, and two came from Germany. Nearly all covers were imports. As with the singles, the Scandinavian based EPs were released on the Odeon label. EMI-Denmark made a few mistakes with these, as some GEOS-EPs came on the Parlophone label.
All original UK Beatles LPs, up until "1962-1966" (Red album) and "1967-1970" (Blue album), were released in Denmark, using imported covers, and locally produced records. In the 70s, covers were also imported from Germany and Holland. "Hey Jude" was released with 3 different catalogue numbers, among them SW385 from the US. Only a few covers were locally produced, "Hottest Hits" from 1965, Club-editions from the 70s, and a few covers for solo-releases.
Link: FabFour.dk
A danish Beatles discography
About this discography
This discography contains singles, EPs, LPs and a few CDs, released in Denmark from 1963 onwards. We have included not only records by The Beatles, but also solo-, Apple- and other related records. Also some non-EMI records are listed.
The discography is based on info collected by our Danish Beatles expert Arno Guzek. It isn't complete, as we know of more variations, but we don't have them in our collections just yet, or haven't been able to get scans.
UK based singles were all released with the UK catalogue numbers, except 'Hey Jude', that was released with catalogue number DP570 from the UK export series. Scandinavian based singles were released on the Odeon label, with prefix 'DK' for Danish based releases,'SD' for Swedish, and 'ND' for Norwegian. Most sleeves for singles were manufactured by Rotex, a small printing facility in Valby, Copenhagen. Other sleeves were imports from Sweden and Germany. The first Beatles-single 'Love me do' was never released in Denmark. The record company received a demo in the autumn of 1962, but decided against the release.

The demo, received by 'Skandinavisk Grammophon Aktieselskab' in 1962
The UK EPs were released in Denmark with UK catalogue numbers and Danish produced records. Besides the UK catalogue, EPs were taken from the Swedish GEOS-series, and two came from Germany. Nearly all covers were imports. As with the singles, the Scandinavian based EPs were released on the Odeon label. EMI-Denmark made a few mistakes with these, as some GEOS-EPs came on the Parlophone label.
All original UK Beatles LPs, up until '1962-1966' and '1967-1970', were released in Denmark, using imported covers, and locally produced records. In the 70s, covers were also imported from Germany and Holland. Hey Jude was released with 3 different catalogue numbers, among them SW385 from the US. Only a few covers were locally produced, Hottest Hits from 1965, Club-editions from the 70s, and a few covers for solo-releases.
We haven't yet been able to find the exact release-dates for all records, but we're working on it.
For production, EMI-Denmark received metal stampers from the UK. They are identical to stampers used in the UK, except for the missing mother and stamper codes, found at 9 and 3 o'clock on UK stampers. This is important when trying to identify Danish produced records, as some came with imported UK labels.

UK record

Danish record
In the early 70s, EMI-Denmark made their own stampers from copies of UK master-tapes. They can be identified by the missing dash (-) and the following 1 or 2 digits in the matrix-number. For example, on the Ram album, the Danish matrix-number is YEX 837, the UK number is YEX 837-1.
In 1969 EMI switched to an European catalogue numbering system using the pattern
xx xxx-xxxxx, where the first 2 digits represent the country-code. Denmark used codes 6E, and from 1973, 6C. For a complete breakdown of this system, please look elsewhere.
Labels were produced locally, but when the record company started to use graphics, the labels had to be imported, and only the text was printed in Denmark. Sometimes the complete label was imported.
For some reason, a Danish Apple-label was produced in the early 70s. The colour is light green, and it's a drawing, where the UK version is a photo.

Imported UK Apple label

Danish designed Apple label

On the back of many Danish record sleeves, you'll find a listing of available Beatles-records, among them a single
'A Hard Day's Night / Waitin' For You'.
The B-side is not a very rare Beatles-recording, it's a typo. The B-side of the single is 'Things We Said Today'.
'Waitin' For You' is a song by The Fourmost. The error was first corrected on R5620 'All You Need Is Love' in 1967.
We have decided to exclude variations on UK album and EP covers, as it is nearly impossible to tell which variations were imported for use with Danish records, and which were parallel-imports containing UK records. A lot of swapping has occurred during the years. If you are interested in UK covers, please look up some of the excellent UK discographies
Also excluded are records distributed by EMI-Denmark, where the complete product is an import, like the German single 'Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand'

We have excluded the blue variation of R5114, 'I Want To Hold Your Hand'. The sleeve is Danish, with Danish writing on the back, but it was released only in Norway.

Excluded is the blue variation of the Swedish GEOS210 'The Liverpool Sound'. We are convinced that only the yellow and red variations were imported and used with Danish records.
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