Paul McCartney tribute to Devon Green voice at 50
By WMN_MartinF
Posted: December 23, 2016
Paul McCartney is a fan of Resurgence
The Westcountry-based voice of the Green movement has turned 50 with a song in its heart.
Resurgence, the UK's longest-running magazine for the environmental movement, has compiled a list of 20 songs it says changed the world.
While the publication was born in the explosive era of the 1960s, the revolutionary chart is topped by an anthem of non-conflict: John Lennon and Yoko Ono's Give Peace a Chance (1969)
John Lennon and Yoko Ono
"Many of today's prevailing ideas about the environment, social justice, wellbeing and peace, as continuously featured in Resurgence, were fuelled by the legendary songs of this period," said Greg Neale, editor in chief.
The magazine comes out every two months so is also celebrating a further landmark as the 300th issue is released. It is published by the Resurgence Trust, an educational charity in Hartland, near Bideford, North Devon.
Top 10 songs that rocked the Green revolution
Resurgence was founded in 1966 by John Papworth, a vicar and writer and champion of small communities and enterprises. He got together with like-minded others including E F Schumacher, of Small is Beautiful fame, after whom the college at Dartington near Totnes was named.
The publication went on to become the artistic and spiritual voice of the green movement in Britain.
Veteran editor Satish Kumar stepped down in the summer after turning 80
Since 2012 the magazine has been titled Resurgence & Ecologist after combining with a younger periodical of the green movement.
Among those who appreciate the publication's work is Sir Paul McCartney.
"My family and I have been involved in animal welfare and vegetarianism for many years and would like to congratulate you for the good work you do for the planet and the creatures who live in it," said the former Beatle, who features with the band at No 4 with the 1968 tune, Revolution.
The celebration and anniversary coincides with the You Say You Want a Revolution? Records and Rebels 1966-1970 exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
A 1967 edition of the magazine, left, and the latest issue
Mr Neale has written about the exhibition in the current issue. He says: "The explosion of creativity from the era is undeniable, as is the rising influence of the green movement which Resurgence pioneered.
"The emergent back-to-the-land ideas of self-sufficiency, return to nature and new technologies that focused on the Earth's fragility were to become the most far-reaching of the era."
The magazine's celebrations this year included the One Earth, One Humanity, One Future festival in Oxford.

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