Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery – The EMI Manchester Square Photos
by beatlesblogger
Posted on December 12, 2016
Here’s a further instalment in our occasional series on Beatle (and Beatle-related) album covers or photographs that, over the years, have been borrowed as inspiration by others.
As observed on reddit recently, it’s a surprise that more bands haven’t used this iconic LP cover photograph as inspiration:

Given that Sgt Pepper, The White Album and Let It Be have all been imitated many times in one way or another by so many bands, why not the famous Please Please Me as well?
Maybe it’s because it would be limited only to EMI artists, and also that the actual building where the picture was taken now no longer exists…..
Even before The Beatles looked down from that balcony, the famous English bandleaderJoe Loss (signed to the EMI subsidiary label HMV) did the same pose:

And in 1983 it was Dutch Beatle Fan Club President Har van Fulpern’s turn:

Both photographs of the old and new Beatles were taken at EMI’s former headquarters in Manchester Square, London – with the group looking down over the building’s stairwell. The building has since been demolished.
Click here for the other posts in “Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery”.

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