viernes, 31 de enero de 2020

C/O Berlin to Present Linda McCartney . The Polaroid Diaries


C/O Berlin to Present Linda McCartney . The Polaroid Diaries

C/O Berlin to Present Linda McCartney . The Polaroid Diaries
 “She'd always just be looking for everyday moments that interested her rather than manicured scenes. She wanted real moments.” Mary McCartney 
The exhibition at C/O Berlin from 7th March to 6th June 2020 will present over 250 of Linda’s Polaroids and a selection of vintage prints taken from her archive with many of the Polaroids dating back to the 1970s when instant photography was a new innovation, an innovation Linda was keen to test the boundaries of. The Polaroids on display are an intimate collection and insight into Linda’s memories and visual eye with each image unique to a specific moment in time and space. Linda McCartney . The Polaroid Diaries – exemplifies her gift for capturing the moment and is published by Taschen.
The singular magic that imbues Linda’s work lies in her masterful use of a photographic technique that renounces the photographic negative as a means of reproduction and relies on the uniqueness of a one-of-a-kind positive: the Polaroid—irreproducible, uncorrectable, always live.
The exhibition has been developed in cooperation with the Linda McCartney Archive. The opening will take place on Friday 6th March 2020, 7pm at C/O Berlin in the Amerika Haus at Hardenbergstraße 22–24, 10623 Berlin.
Linda McCartney . The Polaroid Diaries
7th March 2020 – 6th June 2020

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