Additional tickets added for Paul McCartney concert
Fort Wayne’s NBC
June 3, 2019
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Fort Wayne’s NBC) — The War Memorial Coliseum has added a few extra tickets for the Paul McCartney concert Monday evening.
On Monday, Sept. 10, the Coliseum held a media conference to detail the historic significance of a major concert that is scheduled to take place in the summer of 2019.
They announced that Paul McCartney will be making his Fort Wayne concert debut on June 3, 2019. Doors for the show will open at 6:30 p.m., and the concert is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m.
A limited number of additional tickets have been added on June 3, and can be purchased here. There is a four ticket limit for the additional tickets, and the seats are located to the side of the stage.

Tonight’s concert-going experience off to a great start. I jaywalked with my mother-in-law from the car to the venue. #PaulMcCartney
Six columns on Page One. #fortwayne #PaulMcCartney

Fort Wayne Indiana #freshenuptour #paulmccartney

Unlike my other so-called friends, you stood beside me as I fought. ♥️ #freshenuptour #paulmccartney

Tonight, Paul takes his Freshen Up Tour to Fort Wayne!

Then and now: I saw @PaulMcCartney for the first time 6 years ago in Indianapolis. I never thought I’d get to see him perform in my hometown of Fort Wayne, Indiana #FreshenUpTour

Just got back from the Paul McCartney sound check. I’m speechless ♥️

Mom and I are ready for Sir Paul McCartney

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