Sir Paul McCartney still an ageless wonder
Tim Yonke
Aug 5, 2017

Former Beatle Paul McCartney's still rockin' at age 75.
Jim Dyson/Getty Images
"When I get older losing my hair
Many years from now
Will you still be sending me a valentine
Birthday greetings, bottle of wine?
If I'd been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door?
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four?"
When Sir Paul McCartney penned those lyrics 50 years ago, I doubt he thought he'd still be performing the song in front of packed stadiums and venues around the world when he was 75.
But that's exactly what the former Beatle recently did when he played before two sold-out audiences at nearby Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre in Tinley Park.
While McCartney didn't sing that particular Beatles classic from the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club album, he did perform 39 songs ranging from his very first recording as a member of the Quarrymen (a predecessor of the Beatles; the song was "In Spite of All the Danger") to a few of recent vintage such as "FourFiveSeconds," but without Rihanna and Kanye West.
Still, it was the Beatles classics that brought the house to its feet and in full voice, including this writer and his wife. Songs such as "Hard Days Night," "Love Me Do," "Let It Be," "Hey Jude" and "Yesterday" had most everybody singing, swaying and smiling.
McCartney got some laughs when he told the audience that when they play the old Beatles songs, he looks out and it shines like a galaxy of stars with all the cellphones taking photos and videos. But, when they play the new stuff, it's more like a "black hole."
Still, he laughed, he was going to play a few new ones.

And why not? McCartney is arguably one of the most prolific songwriters in modern popular music history. Some estimate he's written or co-written between 800 to 1,000 songs. Those include his years with the Beatles, Wings, his solo career and his music with a number of other artists including Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and Elvis Costello.
For me, McCartney's music almost always puts me in an upbeat mood. Whether its singing along to the Beatles' "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" or listening to his piano playing in the Wings' hit "Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five."
I'd say the combination of songwriting, singing and his ability to skillfully play just about any instrument — multiple guitars, piano, ukulele, you name it — sets him apart from anyone else in the industry.

I wrote a few years ago about fulfilling a bucket list item when I went to my first-ever live concert by one of the Beatles. That was one of McCartney's concerts at Wrigley Field in 2011. It was nirvana. I didn't think it could be topped.
Now, I considered myself one of the lucky 25,000 who were in attendance for his first show in Tinley Park on what was truly an idyllic evening.
Perfect weather. Perfect venue. Perfect performance.
As Paul demonstrated so elegantly, age is but a number.
Tim Yonke is the Assistant Managing Editor/Weekend Editor at the Daily Journal. He can be reached by calling 815-937-3372 or by email at tyonke@daily-journal.com.

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