See the very rare drawings by Paul McCartney to be sold at auction in Liverpool
Steve Marinucci
Beatles Examiner
August 25, 2015
The drawings by Paul McCartney to be auctioned this month during International Beatle Week in Liverpool.
The Beatles Shop - used by permission
Over the 24 years The Beatles Shop has been organizing the annual Beatles Memorabilia Auction several unusual and rare Beatles items have passed through the shop's hands, Beatles Shop manager Stephen Bailey told Beatles Examiner Aug. 25. This year, he said, they are very excited by the discovery of some rare sketches drawn by Paul McCartney. He said the drawings are expected to sell for over £10,000 (roughly $15,696) next week when the Liverpool Beatle Auction is held during International Beatle Week, which takes place Aug. 26 to Sept. 1. You can see several pictures of them in this page.
The sketches were discovered by the vendor in an attic, he said, and they include include Beatlesque faces drawn in ink. Each sheet also has writing by Paul McCartney on the reverse. "This is an amazing find." Bailey says. "People usually think of John as the artistic Beatles but these drawings show Paul's talent for capturing an image in a quick sketch."
The sketches are going to be auctioned on Saturday. Aug. 29 at the Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts (LIPA) in the school's Paul McCartney Auditorium. A public viewing will be held the day before the auction at the same venue.
Also being sold at the auction by St. Peter's Church in Woolton, the place where Paul McCartney was introduced to John Lennon in 1957, is an antique weather vane that was on the roof on that historic day and an old prayer book and hymnal that were in use back in the days when John Lennon and his Aunt Mimi Smith attended the church.
Among the other items featured in this year's Liverpool Beatles Auction is a 1953 Liverpool Institute book with Paul McCartney's name listed, a John Lennon Quarry Bank school detention sheet from 1955, a copy of the Beatles' “Please Please Me” album signed by Ringo Starr, a handkerchief signed by Cilla Black in 1964, a 1960 Cavern program for a show that featured Rory Storm and Ringo Starr, a rare Beatles Cavern night 1962 handbill, an Elephant's Memory band demo album and a vintage Beatles place mat from Canada.
Rare drawings by Paul McCartney
The drawings by Paul McCartney to be auctioned this month during International Beatle Week in Liverpool. (The Beatles Shop - used by permission. )
A hymnal from St. Peter's Church also being auctioned. (Dr. Donna Jackson - used by permisson. )
The St. Peter's Church antique weather vane being auctioned. (Dr. Donna Jackson - used by permisson. )
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