~New Website for The Bayonets~

Dear friends, far and wide~
There are so many things to report but firstly,
The Bayonets now have their own site!
Yes, www.thebayonets.com is up and running and we would love your support!
So for a limited time, during the merry merry month of May we have an offer for you:
You will receive a free download of our first single, "Sucker for Love" when you join our new mailing list. We want to share the next 4 singles and tour news with you and this is the best way to get our upcoming offers and events delivered into your hot little hands before anyone else gets it!
We would like our newsletter for our new band, The Bayonets to come from our new site. (www.brianray.com will remain the place for my own news, my merch and tour news with Paul and the guys.)
So, click away and share.
We will be ordering some awesome 'vintage feel' Bayonets tee shirts very soon and we want your feedback on the design, so please add your voice to our comment section below this post and tell us what color of tee shirt you would be most into wearing, women and men. Keep in mind The Bayonets logo will be written in black.. unless you all want black tees, in which case we will be happy to do a white logo. We would like to do only one color tee to begin with. |

BREAKING: In live performance news, Oliver and I will be performing in Buenos Aires, Argentina with Nube 9 during my first tour break with Paul.
May 10th on local prime time TV, May 11 for a VIP unplugged show at Hotel Feana, and later that night at Club Mod. Then we're playing on the 12 at Club Mod again.
Our last show will be at Mr Jones club on May 13th.
So... Who's coming?
Also, we hope to fit in other Bayonets shows on breaks from the exciting tour schedule with Paul on his upcoming "Out There" tour!
Thanks for your support and please know that your feedback is appreciated!
Brian Ray and Oliver Leiber of The Bayonets

Whooray Records is moving from PO Box 69394 to a new address in Santa Monica. The new address will be revealed on the return address of your shipment. Thank you for all of your support at my previous address.
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