martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

ONE ON ONE IN FRANCE : May 30 2016 : Accor Arena, Bercy, Paris

Paul McCartney en concert à l'Accor Hotel Arena (Bercy) de Paris, le 30 mai 2016.
Paul McCartney en concert à l'Accor Hotel Arena (Bercy) de Paris, le 30 mai 2016. - BERTRAND GUAY / AFP

Paul McCartney, Paris France, 30/5/16
Paul McCartney, between rarities and classics, in the AccorHotels Arena in Paris
WE WERE THERE- Former Beatles played the AccorHotels Arena in Paris, Monday, May 30, for a single date of "One On One Tour".
PUBLISHED 31/05/2016

Paul McCartney en concert à Paris, le 30 mai 2016
Paul McCartney in concert in Paris, May 30, 2016

It is 20:45 in AccordHotel Arena in Paris. The lights dim when a video starts. 25 minutes later, Paul McCartney finally arrives on stage, surrounded by four musicians. Former Beatles raises his arms, approached the microphone and singing A Hard Day's Night, marking the first surprise of the evening. Paul McCartney had not sung the title for 51 years on stage! Not once since the beginning of his solo career. It then continues with Save Us, before greeting Bercy in French!

"Macca", dark jeans, white shirt with blue trim and dark jacket, electrifies the crowd with Temporary Secretary. The man of 73 years moved to the piano for the jazzy My Valentine, dedicated to his wife Nancy, present in the room. He throws to the crowd, "you have had a difficult time, you have deserved this evening" and continues with the first piece of his former group, In Spite Of All The Danger. A song recorded even before the Fab Four are called Beatles.

"Macca" flies
The knighted veteran of pop  falls jacket. Then offer a new gift interpreting Love Me Do, removed from his repertoire there 53 years. The tune is raised on this tour in homage to the great Beatles producer George Martin, who died March 8, 2016.

Paul McCartney chained rarities but has not forgotten his classical during the concert of 2h45 and 40 titles, including five of  Wings and 24 of The Beatles. Result: a tour of amazing singing at which McCartney still surprised. The voice is veiled in the beginning of the show, then she cleared like magic. The artist swapped his bass for an acoustic guitar. After a scene rises. Macca takes off for a moment suspended.


It was "Yesterday" at Paris Bercy
The showman continues with Blackbird and three recent titles: Queenie Eye, New and Four Five Seconds. The singer moved later behind a colorful piano and launched heavy artillery. The lights are incredible, rarely as neat in previous concerts. The backdrop is bristling with spotlights. The former Beatles wagging buttocks on And I Love Her, dedicate Here Today to John Lennon and Something to George Harrison. The songs are connected. As one man, Bercy rises with him.

Paul McCartney does not omit Michelle with accordion and images of the Moulin Rouge. Then he returns to the piano to sing Let It Be a magical and demonic Live And Let Die. Fire. A deluge of lasers. Midnight now approach. "You're great," joked "Macca", inviting two fans on stage. Nicolas Clémence marriage proposal in front of the super-star. McCartney embraces the betrothed and disappears. At the exit, the public is still on a cloud. Yesterday it was at Paris Bercy. Paul McCartney did not announce more concerts in France ... For now.

Paul McCartney in Paris, tunes and winks
May 31, 2016

Paul McCartney sur la scène de Bercy, le 30 mai 2016 à Paris
Paul McCartney on stage at Bercy, May 30, 2016 in Paris

Less than a year after having delighted the Stade de France, the eternal teenager Paul McCartney offered a generous show his Parisian fans Monday night at Bercy, with stainless Beatles tunes and many winks.

It will soon be 74 years (June 18), more than fifty-year career on the counter, but still a great desire to have fun in this new tour, "One On One", launched in April: «Salut les copains!» ("Hi folks ! "), he says in French disembarking, black jacket over white shirt for a concert where he will chain up to 40 songs in 2:45.

Surrounded by four musicians (guitars, keyboards and drums), McCartney moves from one instrument to another - bass, piano, upright piano, acoustic and electric guitars, ukulelele - to revisit the repertoire of Beatles and Wings (his group between 1971 and 1981) and defend some of his most recent titles.

"A Hard Day's Night" at opening, the beautiful "Blackbird" only on guitar, "Lady Madonna", "Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da," "Back in the USSR" explosive "Live and Let Die, "" Hey Jude, "" Yesterday "... Even if the voice is sometimes a little less assured, the audience is thrilled and wanting more.

McCartney, who addresses the audience sometimes in English and sometimes in French, also multiplies the winks: the «5e Beatle» ("fifth Beatle") George Martin, who died earlier this year, for which he played "Love Me Do"; to his «ami John» ("friend John") Lennon, he dedicated "Here Today"; for his «ami George» ("friend George") Harrison, it will be "Something" ... The memory of Jimi Hendrix fleet also moments when resounds the intro to "Foxy Lady."

Marriage proposal on stage 
Paul McCartney but also a thought for Paris city where he "always loves to come and play, but this time it's really special," he said in reference to the November attacks. This will obviously "Michelle", "the only song I know in French," with rigor accordion in the band and Parisian monuments parading on the giant screens upstage.

At return the ex-Beatle will land with the French and British flags, triggering a "Marseillaise" in the spontaneous public.

Generous to the end, Paul McCartney also invited some fans on stage including a couple: the opportunity for a certain Nicolas to his marriage proposal to his girlfriend Clemence before a hilarious McCartney and under the applause of nearly 20,000 spectators!

Launched in North America in April, the tour travels Europe until the end of June before returning to the other side of the Atlantic with concerts scheduled until October.

In mid-October, the bassist and singer must attend two events in the California desert concerts bringing together rock legends: Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Roger Waters, The Who and himself!


Paul McCartney in Bercy for a moment of intergenerational communion
The « salut les copains » ("hi buddies") by Paul McCartney
By Bruno Lesprit

Paul McCartney sur la scène de Bercy, le 30 mai 2016.
Paul McCartney sur la scène de Bercy, le 30 mai 2016. BERTRAND GUAY/AFP

Pour faire vivre leur catalogue de chansons, un des plus conséquents de l’après-guerre, Bob Dylan et Paul McCartney ont opté pour deux lignes opposées : le premier travaille dans la déconstruction dadaïste, quitte à ce que le fidèle ne reconnaisse ses œuvres que dans leurs dernières mesures ; le second préfère le remake depuis son retour à la scène en 1989, ses concerts devant d’abord être une célébration de son génie au sein des Beatles. Entre ces deux pôles, les Rolling Stones ont pris une voie médiane. Si l’on associe ces trois légendes vivantes, c’est parce qu’elles vont être pour la première fois réunies à l’affiche d’un festival, en octobre à Coachella (Californie) pour les deux week-ends de l’autoproclamé « concert du siècle », auxquel s’ajouteront les Who, l’ex-Pink Floyd Roger Waters et Neil Young.

L’événement constituera pour McCartney une extension de sa tournée « One on One », qui passait lundi 30 mai par l’AccorHotels Arena, à Paris. Moins d’un an après le concert de l’ancien Beatle au Stade de France de Saint-Denis, le 11 juin 2015. Il avait alors difficilement rassemblé 50 000 fans sur la pelouse et les gradins dyonisiens. La salle du 12e arrondissement, qui en accueille près de trois fois moins, affiche logiquement complet. McCartney rappelle la proximité des dates pour évoquer le 13 novembre 2015 : « Vous avez traversé des moments douloureux et ce soir vous allez passer du bon temps. Vous le méritez. »

Aigus déchirés
Pourquoi le bassiste gaucher enchaîne-t-il ainsi les shows, au menu copieux puisque quarante (!) chansons sont interprétées sur une durée springsteenienne, approchant les trois heures ? Peut-être parce qu’il sait qu’à bientôt 74 ans, ce plaisir est menacé. Le chanteur a reconnu récemment avoir eu quelques soucis avec ses cordes vocales. Cela se vérifie quand cet admirateur de Little Richard se mesure au rock furieux d’I’ve Got a Feeling. Ses aigus se déchirent, quand ils s’enflammaient sur Let It Be, l’album des Beatles.

McCartney fut longtemps et miraculeusement épargné par les erraillements et les errements qui ont affecté les performances d’un Roger Daltrey ou d’un Dylan ; c’est moins vrai aujourd’hui. Il peine avec l’arabesque mélodique et les vicieux changements de tonalité d’Here, There and Everywhere, curieusement accompagnée au piano. Plombée surtout par des sons programmés de claviers qui dénaturent cette sublime ballade en lui infligeant un traitement de thé dansant, façon Las Vegas. De même, les cuivres et le solo de saxophone samplés pour Lady Madonna sonnent kitsch. Ce seront les rares fausses notes d’un concert généreux et joyeux, en forme de bilan artistique, une célébration du songwriter qui débute dès la fausse première partie : un DJ remixe les œuvres du maître. Le son qui précède McCartney ne saurait être que de McCartney.

Paul McCartney en concert à l'AccorHotel Arena (Bercy)
Paul McCartney en concert à l'AccorHotel Arena (Bercy) / Crédits : BERTRAND GUAY / AFP

Les Beatles et les Wings
Le groupe qui l’accompagne est inchangé depuis plus d’une décennie : Brian Ray pour le doubler à la quatre-cordes ou la six-cordes, le guitariste Rusty Anderson, le claviériste et multi instrumentiste Paul « Wix » Wickens et le cogneur Abe Laboriel Jr. Seul ce dernier pose problème en faisant regretter l’humilité et la subtilité de Ringo Starr. Le dernier album, New (2013), n’est pas vraiment défendu, réduit à trois extraits, mais l’ami de Rihanna et de Kanye West s’offre le luxe de donner une version supérieure à l’original de FourFiveSeconds, le titre qu’il a co-écrit en 2015 avec des deux stars américaines. Ces nouveautés sont perdues dans un tour de chant voué aux Beatles (plus de la moitié de l’ensemble) et aux Wings. McCartney veut rendre justice à son deuxième groupe et il y parvient en revisitant des raretés comme Nineteen Hundred and Eight-Five, qui a acquis tardivement un statut de tube après avoir été initialement relégué en face B du single Band On The Run, ou encore Temporary Secretary (1980) tiré de son album solo McCartney II, à l’électro proche de Kraftwerk.

Il n’avait jamais chanté A Hard Day’s Night sans John Lennon, il le fait dès l’ouverture, quitte à s’approprier la voix principale de son partenaire, toujours présent dans les esprits puisque le public l’incitera plus tard à reprendre quelques mesures de Give Peace of Chance. Le survivant est cerné de proches disparus et multiplie les hommages : Here Today pour Lennon, Something pour son « frérot » (en français dans le texte) George Harrison, Maybe I’m Amazed pour sa première épouse Linda. S’ajoute désormais And I Love Her pour le producteur des Beatles George Martin, mort le 8 mars.

British musician and former Beatles' member Paul McCartney performs on stage at the Bercy stadium in Paris on May 30, 2016. / AFP / BERTRAND GUAY

Tour Eiffel et Moulin Rouge
Mais l’ambiance est à la fête et non au requiem. McCartney reste fidèle à lui-même en mêlant dérision british et cabotinage. Il amuse d’emblée la galerie – à moins qu’il ne s’en amuse – avec son « salut les copains ! » initial, puis en chantant Michelle sur fond de Tour Eiffel et de Moulin Rouge, avant de fredonner Sur Le Pont d’Avignon, puis de lancer un Ob-La-Di-Da, guère éloigné de La Compagnie créole. ll aurait pu se dispenser d’inviter un couple à monter sur scène pour une demande de mariage. Après s’être cru à « Tournez manège ! », le spectateur a un temps l’illusion d’être au Stade de France quand le supporteur d’Everton revient pour les rappels, un drapeau tricolore en main. Son initiative déclenche une Marseillaise dans la salle, sans doute une première dans un concert de ce genre depuis Serge Gainsbourg.

Il y a, bien sûr, ces classiques attendus et interprétés en toutes circonstances (le brelan Let It Be-Hey Jude-Yesterday), connus par cœur et dont on ne se lassera jamais. Mais on retiendra plutôt la séquence la plus innovante et enthousiasmante du concert, un set acoustique de sept chansons : lui à la guitare sèche, parfois seul, Wickens à l’accordéon, et Laboriel convié à se calmer avec des balais et un tambourin. Un retour aux racines de sa culture musicale, le skiffle pour In Spite of All the Danger, toute première chanson enregistrée, en 1958, par ceux qui s’appelaient alors les Quarrymen, le son des studios Sun de Memphis, l’héritage de Buddy Holly... Même Love Me Do, avec son harmonica, emporte le morceau, après une sorte de masterclass fascinante : McCartney explique comment il a composé You Won’t See Me, à partir d’une simple phrase musicale. S’il ne peut plus s’égosiller comme avant, sa reconversion est toute trouvée : l’unplugged –  le « débranché ».

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

LIVE STREAM : Paul McCartney Live in Paris (May 30 2016)

Paul McCartney à #Bercy !! #OneOnOne Tour #Soundcheck #Macca

Mc Cartney Soundcheck #Bercy 

Soundcheck, what it really looks like!

For Mc Cartney buffs.  #bercy

Paul Mc Cartney Soundcheck Bercy 30-05-16

- Honey Don't
- Blue Suede Shoes (blues version)
- Only Mamma Knows (bass)
- Drive My Car
- Let Them In (piano)
- Boogie improvisation (Wix Sax)
- San Francisco Bay (this is for Shelley)
- Hope Of Deliverance 
- I'll Follow The Sun 
- Ram On (ukulele)
- Bluebird 
- Lady Madonna

Paris - May 30, 2016

AccorHotels Arena Paris - May 30, 2016

Front row to see @PaulMcCartney 🙋🏻🎶🙌🏻 #Bercy #accorhotelsarena #paris

Front row 
#OneOnOne #paulmccartney

They're all behind me... And no one in front... 
I love my life.. 
#OneOnOne #paulmccartney

Waiting for the man

Sitting in the stand of the sports arena
Waiting for the show to begin...
@PaulMcCartney @AccorH_Arena #OneOnOne

#oneonone Paul #McCartney a #Paris ce soir. Vive MACCA!

Étonnant.concert de #McCartney  incroyablement clairsemé qq minutes avt le début programmé #Bercy @ATrapenard
(Amazing.concert of #McCartney incredibly sparse places minutes before the scheduled start #Bercy @ATrapenard)





ポール・マッカートニーONE ON ONE TOUR 5/30/2016はAccor Hotels Arena, Paris,France🇫🇷

See u tonight @PaulMcCartney
Paul McCartney: "I go to the supermarket like everyone else"
On the occasion of his concert Monday night at Bercy, Paul McCartney gave us exceptional interview. Soon 74 years, he is preparing a new album and live like a normal family man.
Interview by Eric Bureau
May 30, 2016

Sir Paul McCartney est peut-être une légende du rock, mais il n’en apprécie pas moins son quotidien de Monsieur Tout-le-Monde quand il n’est pas en tournée.
Sir Paul McCartney may be a rock legend, but he did not appreciate  less everyday World when he is not on tour. (Universal Music).

"Hello, Eric, it's Paul". It was Sir McCartney who calls, 13 o'clock sharp on Thursday. He is driving his car in Sussex. Between two dates of his world tour "One on One", which stops tonight at the Arena AccorHotels (Bercy), the legendary bassist and singer of the Beatles rolls in the English countryside to his studio.

"I recorded new songs for my next album," he says immediately. For a new one , it's a new one!
Paul McCartney will celebrate 74 years on June 18 but no question of retirement. Who's complaining? His last albums and concerts take more than the road. The interview should last ten minutes, it will make twenty three.

You're still at work!
Paul McCartney. But it's not work! I love music, quite simply. This is my life, my passion. As a footballer who is asked how long he will play, I would say I'll play and sing as long as I can. I always feel very capable. I had some small problems with my voice in March, but it gets better. I do not take special care of my voice, I do not know much about it, anyway. I've always been very lucky because I do not work. The best way to maintain it is probably singing.

The Rolling Stones, The Who, Bob Dylan, and you are all on the road. The generation after the war is indestructible!
We have in common to have a few good songs and the chance that people still want to hear them. We all like to play and while the public will want to see us, we will continue.

A festival will bring you all in October in the US.
Yes, this will be history! It will be cool to meet all these old buddies. We will play separately over several days but, who knows, maybe we will share the stage.

Do you missJohn Lennon?
A lot, like a brother. I commend him on stage with "Here Today", an imaginary conversation between us. He was someone special in my life, I loved him very much. In the Beatles, we were lucky. We loved each other and we have done great things together. Although as in any family, we had differences, we loved to the end.

One year ago you surprised your fans by appearing on the song "FourFiveSeconds" with Rihanna and Kanye West.
I loved the experience! Kanye West asked me if I wanted to work with him. I found it interesting because it's a great artist, and it was fun, unusual. In addition, great music is born of our meeting. The song was exciting Rihanna, Kanye has made two other, "Only One" and "All Day".

The video for "FourFiveSeconds" exceeds 340 million views. That surprises you?
Not anymore. But when we published the video on the Internet and it instantly makes 1 million views, I told the manager of Rihanna: "Wow, that's cool! "And he replied:" No, no, it is hoped more than 100 million views. "So I said," Oh, okay, well, in that case, let's go. " (Laughter.)

Do you Like rap?
Yes a lot. I try to keep in touch with modern music. Well, some things are beyond me a little (laughs), but others really appeal to me as the new Drake, Beyonce, Jay Z ... If interested young people, then this may also interest me. This stimulates me.

What do you think of Brexit, the output of the United Kingdom of the European Union?
In England, it is the madness right now! All the people I talk about is moving from one extreme to another. I like them, I have not yet decided, it is very confused in my mind. I continue to listen to the arguments, the reasons to stay and get out. But I am sure that the best decision will be made within a month.

How is your day when you're not on tour?
It depends on the weather. I like to do gymnastics, wandering in the woods with family, with my wife (note: Nancy, married in 2011) and my children. I go to the cinema, I shop at the supermarket, like everyone else. This morning I woke up to drive my youngest child (note: her daughter Beatrice, age 12) at school. As a normal dad. And then I went home. It's nice, so I made a horse. And there, I drive to my studio. Tomorrow I will do the same then I will take the plane to Düsseldorf, where I play the day after tomorrow. I need to balance this normal life with the life of a big rock star on tour, which is not normal. This will keep feet on the ground. Sorry, I must leave you, I arrive at the studio. Greet your readers for me.

VIDEO. Paul McCartney, a rock legend at the Velodrome in Marseille in June 2015

He will play almost 40 songs tonight at Bercy

Forty-one songs in Marseille, 43 at the Stade de France it a year ago, 38 last Saturday in Dusseldorf ... Hopefully Paul McCartney an endless-concert tonight in Paris. "We have so many songs to play, he commented Thursday on the phone. In the early Beatles, we were asked to do shows for half an hour. It was very short and frustrating. Today I want to give viewers for their money. The concerts are expensive, although we try to keep decent prices (note: from 67 € to 150 €). So we try that people attend a good show and good memories. "

One tip, do not be late. "My show starts with Hard Day's Night and his exciting guitar riff," says McCartney, who never played this classic Beatles since the beginning of his solo career in 1970. In this "One on One Tour" it also play for first time "Love me Do", among some 25 titles of Beatles and 6 titles of Wings, his second group. "I have a mix of songs that people want to hear and the ones I like to play, he says. I like to give the public what it wants, because I also, as a spectator, I want to hear the songs. "

He should also sing tonight "FourFiveSeconds" the title he created with Rihanna and Kanye West, and pay tribute to the Beatles producer George Martin, who died on 8 March. Reserve does something special for France? "I do not know yet, he admitted Thursday. We will discuss with the musicians when we get to Paris. I love France, you experienced something terrible last year and it would be nice to mark the occasion. "

The concert Monday night at the Arena AccorHotels (Paris XII), is Sold Out. Compilation "Pure McCartney," Universal, 2 CD, € 16.99, released on 10 June.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016

Ringo Starr Among Celebs "Taking a Breath" for Richard Marx’s Campaign
Ringo Starr, Gene Simmons Among Celebs "Taking a Breath" for Richard Marx’s Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Campaign
BY ABC News Radio
May 27, 2016

Gregg DeGuire/WireImage; Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic
Gregg DeGuire/WireImage; Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic

Ringo Starr and KISS‘ Gene Simmons are among the celebrities who are participating in a new social media campaign launched by pop star Richard Marx’s in honor of Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month.

Marx’s “Take a Breath for CF” campaign, which officially kicks off today, May 27, encourages social media users to post videos of themselves taking a breath in and a breath out and saying, “I’m taking a breath for CF.” It’s an effort to raise awareness of the disease and collect donations to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

In Ringo’s video, the former Beatles drummer identifies himself, takes a breath and says the aforementioned phrase, then adds his own famous catchphrase, “Peace and love.”

Marx says in a statement, “People will go to great lengths to raise awareness and funds for charity. This campaign highlights how something as easy for most of us as taking a deep breath in is a massive, if not impossible, feat for someone with CF.”Richard has been working with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for 15 years.

Among the other celebs who have pledged their support to the initiative are Sylvester Stallone, Shania Twain, Kenny G, Arsenio Hall and Sugar Ray‘s Mark McGrath. For more information about the campaign, visit

Copyright © 2016, ABC Radio. All rights reserved.

ONE ON ONE IN GERMANY (1) : 28th May 2016 : Esprit Arena, Dusseldorf

Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney in der Espritarena in Düsseldorf.
Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney in the Esprit Arena in Düsseldorf.
Photo: David Young/dpa
Concert in Dusseldorf
RP reader enthusiastic about the McCartney Soundcheck
May 28 2016

Paul McCartney in Düsseldorf: RP-Leser darf zum Soundcheck
For Thomas Wagenländer visit the soundcheck was very special.
FOTO: nic

Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf is for days in the Paul McCartney-fever. At Breidenbacher Hof the former Beatle was greeted by cheering fans and passed to the arena for the concert. One of our readers it was even allowed to get any closer.

Thomas Wagenländer from Juchen won in a lottery of our editors to visit the soundcheck - and showed then thrilled by the experience. The hobby musician has been a supporter of the ex-Beatle, had heard him but never heard him play live before.

"That was a very exciting thing," said Wagenländer. "Paul McCartney has played for almost an hour, well-known pieces also from Wings- and Beatles-times." His big favorite of the small concert before the concert: ". Lady Madonna Then came really on goose bumps."

Convinced of musicians but has him also with his personality, because he was flirting in between nice with the small audience and was also his colleagues on stage towards casual and friendly: "He has no attitudes, is a very relaxed type."


For Thomas Wagenländer visit the soundcheck was very special.
Concert in Dusseldorf
Paul McCartney greeted the audience with "Helau"
May 29 2016

Bilder: So hat Paul McCartney die Düsseldorfer Arena gerockt
Paul McCartney rocked the Düsseldorf Arena
FOTO: Christoph Reichwein

Dusseldorf. More than 27,000 fans Sir Paul McCartney joined on Saturday night in the Dusseldorf Arena. The audience could look forward to Beatles classics and a few words in German.

The appearance of the world star was therefore a very special. Otherwise, the 73-year-old enters under his world tour "One On One" in this country in Berlin and Munich. Even before the concert Paul McCartney
was received by his fans  frenetically at Breidenbacher Hof.

Nearly 40 songs from throughout his career singing the 73-year-old at the concert, including Beatles classics such as "Let It Be" and newer songs like "Four Five Seconds".

The more than 27,000 fans paid homage to his songs with text Safety and cheers. The former Beatle impressed them with German-knowledge: "Düsseldorf Helau! Es ist toll, wieder hier zu sein nach so langer Zeit." ("Dusseldorf Helau It's great to be back after such a long time" ). Another highlight of the two and a half hour presentation was the elaborate stage show with light and video installations as well as more surprising fireworks in the Esprit Arena.

It was McCartney's first appearance in Dusseldorf after 44 years, then he was with his band Wings on a European tour. He is currently on the road with his world tour "One On One". The next stops are Paris and Madrid. In June he returns, he wants to rock Munich (10) and Berlin (14).

McCartney is already since April with his band on a world tour that he will pull through to autumn. According to the European concerts, it goes further in July with shows in the US and Canada. A tour break there the middle of next month, since June 18, exceptional musician from Liverpool is 74 years old. Even before his birthday he gives himself on June 10, the new release "Pure McCartney".

The impressions from the concert, many then held in the social media, how these Licensees:

The stage that McCartney had for his appearance available is 65 meters wide and 22 meters high - and has been recorded by him in different colors.


Paul McCartney waving fans in Dusseldorf 
FOTO: David Young


Paul McCartney waving fans in Dusseldorf 
May 28 2016
Fotos: David Young

Full Gentleman and pop star of the old school: Paul McCartney comes cheerfully from the Breidenbacher Hof to greet his fans.

Ganz Gentleman und Popstar der alten Schule: Paul McCartney kommt gutgelaunt aus dem Breidenbacher Hof, um seine Fans zu begrüßen. 

Several hundreds had stayed outside the hotel to see the international star.

Mehrere Hunderte hatten vor dem Hotel ausgeharrt, um den Weltstar zu sehen. 

For this young man (and some fans) there was an autograph of the 73-year-olds.

Für diesen jungen Mann (und auch einige andere Fans) gab es ein Autogramm von dem 73-Jährigen. 

Bustle outside the entrance.

Trubel vor dem Eingang. 

16.30 pm is the day: The pop star waved to the crowd.

Gegen 16.30 Uhr ist es soweit: Der Popstar winkt in die Menge. 

Smiling faces and they drawn smartphones with the fans.

Lachende Gesichter und gezückte Smartphones bei den Fans. 

The star moves to the arena, where he gives a concert in the evening.

Der Star fährt zur Arena, wo er am Abend ein Konzert gibt. 

Images of the arrival of Paul McCartney in Dusseldorf 

Bilder der Ankunft von Paul MacCartney in Düsseldorf gibt es hier. 

So Paul McCartney rocked the arena
May 29 2016
Fotos: Christoph Reichwein

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

On May 28, 2016 Ex-Beatle played a concert in Düsseldorf Esprit Arena - one of three Germany concerts on his world tour. We show pictures of the concert.

Am 28. Mai 2016 hat Ex-Beatle ein Konzert in der Düsseldorfer Esprit Arena gespielt - eins von drei Deutschlandkonzerten auf seiner Welttournee. Wir zeigen Bilder des Konzerts.

The organizers counted before the event with about 25,000 fans.

Die Veranstalter rechneten vor dem Konzert mit etwa 25.000 Fans.

For his fans Paul McCartney had even learned some German.

Für seine Fans hatte Paul McCartney sogar etwas Deutsch gelernt.

The 73-year-old former Beatle during the concert with his band.

Der 73-jährige Ex-Beatle während des Konzerts mit seiner Band.

The stage was 65 meters wide and 22 meters high ...

Die Bühne war 65 Meter breit und 22 Meter hoch ...

... And was recorded by Paul McCartney in different colors.

... und wurde von Paul McCartney in unterschiedlichen Farben bespielt.

He was celebrated by his fans - and he had a lot fun.

Dabei wurde er von seinen Fans gefeiert - und er hatte sichtlich Spaß.

The world tour by Paul McCartney, incidentally, has the title "One On One".

Die Welttournee von Paul McCartney hat übrigens den Titel One On One.

Also with the Smartphone fans have retained the special appearance in the arena.

Auch mit dem Smartphone haben die Fans den besonderen Auftritt in der Arena festgehalten.

See below more images of the concert.

Sehen Sie im Folgenden weitere Bilder des Konzerts.

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt

So hat Paul McCartney die Arena gerockt